The Design Thinker Blog
Theory, practice, and stories from the field.
If you are going to do a thing, it helps to believe that it is possible to do the said thing.
When I first started my research to understand design thinking capabilities, I was surprised to find h...
A question I often get is, how do we put Design Thinking into practice? This is a complex question to answer because Design Thinking is flexible and can be applied in many ways so, context is importan...
Recently, I was asked the question, how can we increase the use of empathy? It is exciting to see the growing interest in developing empathy. It seems empathy is finally being recognized for the impor...
Design thinking has become a familiar concept in the business world with more and more companies adopting this approach to improve innovation and drive change. Yet, there appear to be some misconcepti...
Design thinking encourages failure because failure is a critical step on the road to success. Most of our lives, we have been trained to believe that failing is bad. We have been conditioned to avoid ...
Lately, terms like “human-centered” and “customer-centric” are becoming part of business lingo. These terms call for companies to examine their business from the perspective of their customers, to und...
Over the past decade or so, the concept of Design Thinking has become a popular approach to problem solving. In some circles, Design Thinking is viewed as a methodology with several different process ...
A question that emerges when discussing adopting a design thinking approach is, which process model should we use. Several different process models are available (see IDEO’s HCD Process,’s 5 ...
What is Design Thinking? One of the challenges with introducing the concept of design thinking is that this concept does not have one agreed upon definition. Depending on the source you consult the de...
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